File Upload

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Submission files must be submitted to ClaimStaker for scrubbing in order to produce output files such as a Claims in Error report. This is done via the File Upload page.

Uploading a submission file

To reach the File Upload page, select File then File Upload from the ClaimStaker toolbar.

Acknowledgment files for previously-uploaded submission files will be listed. By default, these files are sorted by date with the most recent date first.

Screenshot showing

To make locating a specific acknowledgment file easier, they can also be sorted by file name, size, file type, or date by selecting the appropriate column header.

To upload a submission file for scrubbing:

  1. Select the Browse button and select the file to be uploaded. (Please note the maximum file size is 20MB.)

  2. Select Upload File.

    Screenshot showing an empty File Name field on the File Upload page. Next to it are a Browse button and an Upload File button.

  3. After the file has been successfully uploaded, the acknowledgment file will appear as a text file link. The name of the text file is based on the file name and the date and time it was submitted, and ends with a .txt extension.

    Screenshot of the File Upload table with five columns and one row. Under the File Name column, the link for the Institutional Multispecialty text file is being selected.

  4. Continue to the File Download page to download and view the resulting output file.

Deleting old acknowledgment files

To remove acknowledgment files from the File Upload page, simply select the check box next to the file to be deleted and select the Delete Checked Files button. You are presented with a message stating the file was successfully deleted. This can be done for multiple files also, or to quickly delete all the files listed, select the Check All button then select Delete Checked Files. All files will be deselected by selecting the Uncheck All button.

Screenshot of the File Upload table. The check box under the Select column for the Professional Multispecialty text file has been checked/enabled. The Delete Checked Files button is being selected.

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